Thursday, September 9, 2010

Semi Pre-made Meals

Yesterday in preparation for the crazy work week ahead I crammed as much stuff into to the oven as I possibly could. Home for a few hours in between a lovely split shift day I reheated lunch, turkey burgers, and then proceeded to cook, cook, cook.

After about a half an hour of prep into the oven went:

~A butternut squash topped with salt, pepper, cinnamon and butter.
~Veggie lasagna, filled with green peppers, peas, cauliflower as well as the usual lasagna accouterments.
~Cream of mushroom rice casserole (pictured above) with green beans and the rest of the cauliflower.

An hour later I had the makings of several dinners. I would have also shoe horned a piece of bone in, skin on chicken breast into the oven too if it had been defrosted.

As a result of my foresight last nights dinner came together in under twenty minutes, which could have easily been two minutes if we were more frequent microwave users. This evening I roasted the finally thawed chicken with salt, pepper, oregano, rosemary and a touch of olive oil. While that was cooking the casserole was reheating. Hopefully the rest of this weeks meals will come together as painlessly as the last two.

Lasagna and squash pictures will follow later in the week. (Along with peanut butter and banana cream pie, hopefully)

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas Tiff! Did you do a red sauce in the lasagna or a white sauce?

    I fantasize about a whole freezer in my Barbie dream house...! Someday!
